Sunday 16 November 2014


Hey everyone!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3.5K BLOG VIEWS!!! absolutely craaazy!

This blog post is quite different to my others, and I'm actually really scared :///
 Before I wrote this I was worried people would would judge me... but hey, who cares what people think?! 

I will be showing you what I do to keep my body healthy! Eating the right foods is one thing, but doing exercise on top of eating yummy healthy foods will keep you in tip-top condition - don't worry it's fun!!!

So, time for the workouts. I usually do 1 hour to 1.5 hours of full body workouts every night, trying to target everywhere!! On the nights, or sometimes the mornings I feel as though I have enough energy to last a life-time I will do an extra half an hour of cardio (usually I go for a run). Other nights when i'm feeling sick or tired I will do a light ab or leg workout, or possibly just have a rest day and do some stretching.

Ok, now it's really time for the workouts:

VS LEG BURNER (10 mins) x 2

Another workout I loooove is the VS CARDIO (17 mins). I sometimes do this instead of doing 10 min cardio twice!

I LOVE XHIT! The videos on the channel are extremely good quality and have suuuper clear instructions!!

I usually do the workouts in this order: leg workout, Ab workout, leg workout, ab workout and the cardio workout to finish off.

On top of the full body workout I usually do some yoga for 10mins, 20mins or sometimes up to 40mins when I'm try to nail a few new poses. This is how I work my arms and back.

Never forget to stretch!!!!! I stretch whilst doing yoga. If you're not a yoga fan you can do the simple hamstring, glutes, arm and back stretches. 10-15mins of stretching would be ideal!!

By the time I have finished all of this I'm absolutely starving!! I will head straight to the fridge, pantry or freezer and grab a banana, some left over smoothie or some vegan slice - a recent discovery :0

Workout snacks before you start are also a must! You will probably suffer from server hunger during the middle of your workout otherwise... So I usually go for:

Banana and Berry Toastie:

I know this sounds absolutely rank and I have no clue how I came across the idea of making one but they are amazing!!! I have never looked back ;) All you need to do is grab yourself a banana, handful of frozen berries and some wholegrain bread and mash the banana and spread it inside the bread, sprinkle the berries on top of the banana and toast it. Then... eat!!

Fruit Salad:

Simple but delicious. Grab 3-4 different fruits, chop them up and sprinkle some chia seeds on top. I usually use apple, banana, berries and peaches or apricots. The other day I added some vegan choc and orange balls, soooo good!! (Recipe up soooon)

Beetroot dip & Vita Wheats:

Grab some beetroot dip and spread it on some vita wheats - easy peasy!

Cacao Protein smoothie:

Recipe here!

So, there it is! My daily fitness routine! This is just what I've been doing for the past week. I tend to mix it up every week, trying to increase the difficulty to maximise results!

I hope you all enjoy and try out some of the workouts!!!

Grace xxx

NOTE: I am obviously not a professional fitness instructor, personal trainer or anything of the like (as much as I would like to be). I am simply just exercising to gain health and fitness.

NOTE: The workout videos do not belong to me. XHIT is a youtube fitness channel, with professional instructors trained and qualified in what they do.

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Grace's Goodness is a collection of healthy, fun and vibrant recipes. Along with adventures and many other exciting things! I hope you try and enjoy the recipes featured on my blog!!